Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Play Day 1

What a wonderful day! We spent all day with Robi, then Sam and I had a lovely dinner together at the restaurant across the street, where we had fresh, delicious, underpriced food, and lovely wine for $1.75/ glass. I'm liking Hungry.
I've been chatting on Skype with both the moms and Sam is studying and icing his foot with frozen peas... he sprained his ankle playing with Robi today (he is refusing medical attention of course, but i won't stop bugging him about it, don't worry).
We slept so well last night! Ohmygoodness. Exhaustion.  Thanks to Matt and Camille for telling us to take melatonin... it's working like a charm so far.
This morning we met George for breakfast at our hotel. He said we would go on a "little trip" with Robi. "Just get in the car a little bit" he said. Our "little trip" was from 10:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon! Robi cried just for a minute getting in the car, which was sad, but when he realized his social worker Marion was coming, he dried up right away. He talks incessantly and jabbered away at us. I was sad to not be able to understand him. Yesterday we had a nice little van... today's was totally thug... black, tinted windows, no middle seat, Shakira and TI singing to us, but it turned out great, because Sam had to sit on the floor during the hour long car-ride to the park, and he bonded with Robi playing "soccer" in the back of the car. Homeboy may have a soccer career in his future! He appears to be ambidextrous, that little son of gun:)
We arrived at the nice, big park and Marion and George had us take Robi by ourselves for a minute. He did fine and let me carry him. He ran straight for a pile of leaves and dove in:) The only bad part of the day at all was a large group of high-school-ish aged kids who were wretched. The were laughing and snickering at Robi (I almost punched them in the face) then were trying out their profane and trashy English on me (and Sam very actually almost punched them in the face). I did have a moment's concern that Sam would get in a fist-fight defending my honor during his first few moments with Robi's social worker... but he let is go at dressing them down. Yikes!
Anyway, aside from the distracting little thugs, we had a lovely time playing with leaves, kicking a soccer ball, playing on the playground, eating a happy meal and nearly falling asleep while swinging. We were late for nap-time. Sam and Robi bonded more, although he is willing to let me hold him and carry him, but not Sam. But they play well together. Marion is wonderful: supportive, helpful, encouraging, not a word of English! It was an interesting day! Robi went to me, rather than to Marion, to hold him crossing the street once, which is huge. She is close to him and is actually more responsible for his well-being than even his foster mother. She is very happy with the way things are going. She told George the day was "perfect."
We are so thankful for:
1. Beautiful weather- it's usually cold and raining this time of year. Practically all our bonding happened in the park, so we are very thankful.
2. Robi's sweet, extraverted personality is making it very easy for us to attach to him. We adore him!
3. Sam's ankle held up all day (he hurt it first thing) and he and Robi were able to play.
4. All the adoption staff have been excellent and have been prepping Robi as much as is possible for this huge change in his life.
Prayer requests:
1. Sam's ankle... he can barely walk.
2. Foster family, especially mom, dad, and sister, having a really hard time. They are very sad.
3. We are mourning with and for the Bozemane's in their loss of sweet Trish to cancer. We are SO happy she is with the Lord, but death is really awful.

Thank you for all your love and concern and interest.


  1. Love the stories!! Already making memories, pages to add to that wonderful scrapbook perhaps? :) Continuing to pray and looking forward to more news from Hungary. Can't wait to meet Robi!

  2. Can't tell you how many times I read and reread it all. I never thought that becoming a grandmother would wear me out so much.....and I havent even gotten to give Robi hugs and kisses yet!

  3. Even though I am getting Skype news, your blog is wonderful. What a treasure to keep for Robi when he is older and can READ! I am about to pop with joy at what our amazing God has done, is doing and WILL do for you and us. I stand amazed! Am praying for miraculous healing for Sam's ankle and for a quiet day for Robi. Praying he will be in a snuggly mood. Love you, Nagyanya Libby

  4. i was just like pam!! i read this probably 3 times. praying today is going well too. soooo excited!!!!!!

  5. Praying Robi fall in love with his new Mommie and Daddy! Thanks for keeping us posted with the progress and I love to read the Grandma's posts too! So when my eyes get dry from starring at a computer all day, I will just read your blog for some tears.

  6. Mary Beth! Thanks for keeping us updated ... Seth and I are anxiously awaiting Robi's arrival to Capitol Heights :) By the way, we ran by your house last night - we thoroughly inspected the inside and outside and all seems to be in order! Praying for you!

  7. Megan! Thanks so much! Can't wait for you to meet you new neighbor:)
