Thursday, November 18, 2010

Last day to leave Robi...

Just a brief little update today:
The meeting with the government went really well. Everything was smooth; we are being granted custody of Robi on Day 4 in the country rather than Day 7-9 of visitation. Marion recommended speeding things up because R is doing so well.
We only got to see Robi for about an hour. He came running into the car today and sat on my lap for a short car ride. We played in a very muddy park and had a good time. There was a fire man pole and R let Sam help him "climb" it since I sort of acted like I couldn't do it. He went up and down 10-15 times and was grunting and making faces like a crazy man in a gym:) He copies everything Sam does... so cute. When R gives Sam a high five, Sam blows on his hands "Ouch", and R started doing that today. He also said "Goodbye" clear as a bell to a truck today. We just stared at him.
When we pulled up to the house and everyone told him "Time to go" he said "Nem, nem" and wouldn't get up, and even started a little sad whine.  SAD to leave him. It's such an answer to prayer that he likes us... and I am ashamed that I am surprised.
Tomorrow we will go get him and won't have to leave him anymore.
As always, we are impressed with and so thankful for everyone involved over here. They are doing an excellent job. Sam and I are really enjoying getting to know people from Hungary on such an intimate level.


  1. My heart is dancing at the Lord's goodness. Have been praying hard forjhis foster parents. Sam's computer has been taken to the law library and they promised to give it to Jared. Tricia's memorial service was so sweet. Shelly read a tribute that she and Jason had written to their momma. I kept thinking about how many funerals i have been to in that sanctuary and how Janet and Tricia are now singing in the heavenly choir. And worshiping the Lord with Miss Lil and Virginia and Carson and all the other saints who made it Home before us. Can't wait for the next Skype! Love from Mama

  2. heard that i missed ur skype this morning. so glad things are going well with robi. :) Can't wait to give him a big hug.

  3. I love the play-by-play. I'm hanging on every word. And continuing to pray.

  4. AAAH! That is SOOO wonderful :D I wish I was there!!! I'm so glad you can remember and tell us everything - it makes my imaginary world of being there more realistic. It sounds like Robi will be speaking English way before George!

  5. So excited for you...cannot wait to meet Robi and welcome him to our Eastwood Family! Much love and with prayers, Brenda

  6. The "Great Ones" are thrilled that all is going so well. We're looking forward to "limping after" Mr. Energy (alias - Robi)- our Great One #4...
    The news keeps getting more and more wonderful with each update - but - why is that a surprise. It makes me want to sing - Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful - Isn't Jesus my Lord, wonderful! EMPHATICALLY - YES!! He Is WONDERFUL!!

  7. ohmygosh please update! i'm dying to know what is going on!

  8. We continue to check the blog and pray for you all daily! Praying that Robi is adjusting well - and that both of you are, too. Praying also that God will give you the grace you need - one day at a time - as we know He will!
