Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 3 Update

Well, the dreaded day of Sam's departure is quickly coming. Sam is leaving at 4:30am Saturday to come home to take 4 finals. The way God worked the timing was really wonderful... Sam only had to miss two weeks of school, then he had the week of Thanksgiving off, and he will only have to leave us for one week. We are very thankful for how that worked out. However... I don't think Robi is going to appreciate him leaving at all. As always, the lack of ability to communicate with him is very sad in this situation. We have been given lots of good ideas (making a calender to count off the days, enlisting the help of the receptionists who speak Hungarian to tell Robi as we are coming and going that Apa is coming back in however many days) but I think it is going to be really hard on Robi for Sam to be gone at all. My best friend Andrea is coming to stay with us while Sam is gone. We are so thankful and excited! We are planning lots of fun trips to pass the time until Apa comes home!
Please be in prayer for Robi next week, for Sam as he takes all his finals, and for Andrea, who hates flying and has never flown internationally, much less internationally alone!

This week has been good. We are still amazed at how well Robi is doing. We are encouraged with his progress in learning to obey. We have frequent struggles, sometimes little, sometimes pretty dramatic, but I think he is looking much the same as other 3 year olds I have observed- which is wonderful considering we've only been working on obeying for 1 week! He woke up one night at 3:00 am, completely angry, screaming and kicking me. I am still concerned about what was going on then... we never did figure it out... but it hasn't happened again. We all went to an International church on Sunday and he had a great time in the nursery. There were some very sweet girls who did a wonderful job with him. Last night we had dinner with our new friends Trisha and Bjorn, and their sweet girls. We've had a great time eating a real meal and getting to know them and picking their parenting brains! I think Ro always enjoys getting to be around other people, especially other people who understand him. I can't imagine what a headache he has from hearing and trying to speak English all the day long. When I try to imagine myself in his situation I get stressed out. He often talks to random strangers as we walk by and jabbers his head off to the maids... but I would too if I could finally be understood! Sam and I laugh that we have no clue what he is saying... perhaps "I seem to be lost with some nice, silly people who don't speak correctly. Could I hitch a ride home?" Who knows?! Of course we always get strange looks from people who realize we don't speak the same language as our son! Pretty weird! Especially since (international) adoption is not common in Hungary.
Sam and Robi are off playing on the treadmill... I do not get invited to the work out room since I get nervous and am no fun... and I am going to try to squeeze in some Bible time before they come back. We are so thankful and humbled by all of your interest in us, your prayers and your sweet notes. I love reading everyone's comments! Thank you so much!


  1. Thanking God for His wonderful watch-care over you all in Hungary. I have been praying for the week ahead when Sam is away, praying for Robi, and for Sam as he tries to study and then take his exams. I will surely pray for Andrea's travel too! You're doing a wonderful job! --Linette--

  2. As the updates, praying for you all and can't wait to see you.

  3. i love getting you guys' updates. I've been praying for you guys. Can't wait to see Sam. I've been counting down days until all of you can come home to us. Saw on your facebook that it's snowing over there. I'm so jealous! Please give Robi a hug for me. Love you guys so much!

  4. Praying for all of the above. I thought it might be an added note of encouragement to share that the singles fellowship has been praying for you and thinking about you every Monday night. We love you guys.

  5. mmm...2 days. can't believe it. seriously getting emotional thinking about meeting my little precious nephew. see you soon friend.

  6. "hey, lady with the towels and windex, these people in here are trying to get a cab to the closest candy store. And they don't know how to say 'We need get a spider monkey delivered to our room' Can you help them?"
