Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Coming home!

Everything has been done to finish the adoption, by the Hungarian government and the American Embassy. Praise the Lord! We are so happy:)We think we had several near misses along the way, all of which George skillfully conquered. (Well, GOD of course, through George!) George cracks us up. He told us "I am pushy, you know?" Thank goodness!
Our flight is supposed to leave at 6:50 am tomorrow. The weather in Europe has been awful, and as a result flying has been a nightmare for a lot of people. PLEASE pray for good weather and no mechanical difficulties tomorrow. We would really love to be home for Christmas.
We think Robi is excited to fly. We've been talking about it a lot, and he talks about flying in an airplane to Alabama a lot. But even if all goes exactly well tomorrow we have a 20 hour day of traveling, so please pray for him, especially that he will sleep on the big flight.
I'm DYING to put up pictures, but Sam won't let me until we get home. (George asked us to wait until we get home... that's what I get for asking permission, darn it!)But as soon as I can after we land I will put up some pics and hopefully some videos also. And a lot of you will hopefully meet him in the near future anyway.
We are so thankful for this whole experience. Everyone we've worked with - from our first conversation with Jana at Lifeline, to our last meeting with George - has been kind, professional, and really above our expectations.
CANNOT WAIT to be home...
more later:)


  1. So happy for you! I can't wait to see pictures. We finished our adoption classes last week and our final homestudy will be done on Jan. 8th!

    Melanie Smith Bolling

  2. That's great Melanie. Excited for you!

  3. Hurry home! Praying for you and the coming days. Can't wait to meet Robi.

  4. HOORAY! You're Home!!! Love you guys and can't wait to see u and Robi!
